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TLC: Talk, Listen, Change logo

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Our Payment Model

Affordable services for everyone. Many of our services are free of charge, but we may require a reasonable contribution if you attend one of our counselling or separation support programmes. You will not pay for behaviour change or domestic abuse…

Find us

Heading to the TLC head office? We deliver counselling sessions and other services outside of our head office location. If you need to visit the office, find our address below. If you have questions about any of our services, you…

Cancellation Policies

Everything you need to know about cancelling or rescheduling Need to move things around a bit? That’s fine, just let us know!   We have a 48-hour cancellation policy. This is applicable to working days. If you want to cancel…

How we’re funded

Where does the money come from? We are fortunate to receive funding in many different ways. Having a diverse funding base increases our flexibility and opportunities for learning, and lessens the risk to our organisation if one funding source decreases…

Our Culture

We prioritise safe, healthy and happy relationships in and out of the workplace.


Boost the resilience of your workforce and ensure your employees are safe, healthy and happy.