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Volunteering Service

Service Description:

TLC: Talk, Listen, Change is a relationships charity working across the north of England providing a range of support services within our Community, Domestic Abuse, Counselling and Separation departments. All our services aim to encourage safe, healthy and happy relationships.

We aim to create a partnership between each TLC department and the role of volunteers, offering opportunities for volunteers to gain experience and knowledge from our teams while increasing the skills and capacity of our teams with the valued support of a volunteer. We want to support volunteers to be directly involved with service delivery, bringing their knowledge and experience to TLC as well as working as part of our wider team.

TLC is proud to offer a range of volunteering opportunities across our services. Our hope is to provide ‘hands on’ experience to volunteers being supported by a specifically designed and robust volunteer structure, high quality training and the opportunity to progress, work closely with and be mentored by our teams.

When joining TLC we will offer one on one support over the course of a volunteers time with us, helping them to create their own personal development plan and setting realistic goals.

We ask volunteers:

  • To help us build and maintain positive relationships across the organisation
  • To help maintain, and have readily available accurate records of attendance
  • To help plan for a range of activities
  • To be sensitive to the needs of others
  • To refer any issues of concern to their volunteer coordinator
  • To carry out risk assessments as needed
  • To commit to a minimum of 2 hours per week

Currently we offer volunteering via the Early Help Hub, Talk Shop, Trafford Council.

We collect your information to:

  • process and set up your volunteering opportunities
  • anonymously share impact data with the funders who make these volunteering opportunities possible
  • ensure safe and effective practice when working with clients

What type(s) of information do we use?

  • contact details
  • next of kin details
  • demographic information
  • clinical notes
  • outcome information
  • session attendances
  • risk information

What is the legal basis for using your information?

The legal basis for providing this service is a contract legal basis. Should we carry out a referral on your behalf or share information we would request your consent. The contractual basis means:

  • We must collect information to provide the volunteering opportunities you have requested
  • We must collect information to meet the funding requirements of funders who provide these opportunities

Where do we get your information?

  • yourself

Who do we share your information with?

To ensure safe and consistent clinical practice among the volunteers who support our services, anonymised information is shared in supervision with a supervisor within TLC or at their respective college/university.

We work with a range of partnerships across Greater Manchester as part of these partnerships you may work with staff from other organisations to deliver groups, sessions or events. We will only share your Name, TLC Email Address and confirmation that you DBS was valid with these other organisations for the purpose of your volunteering and to provide reassurance of that you are able to work safely of the clients involved.

We do not share any additional information without your consent unless under exceptional circumstances outlined below.

Sharing in exceptional circumstances

We may share your personal data if there is a risk to you or another person, including a child at risk of harm as we have a legal duty to do so. Any decision to share your personal information would be made carefully, and where possible with your consent. Before you pass on information to us, you must think about what you tell us, and understand that we may have to pass it on, in the following circumstances:

  • If what you have told us puts you or someone at risk – for example you may harm someone or yourself, or they may harm you.
  • If what you have told us is illegal – we may be required by law or have a duty to pass on information about criminal activity.
  • If it involves any risk of significant harm to a child, then we will pass on information necessary to protect the child.

How long will we keep your information?

  • TLC will keep this information for 7  years
  • Student counsellors will inform clients of how long their institute will store the anonymised data or any recordings of sessions made

Transferring your information outside of the European Union (EU)

We will not transfer your information outside of the EU.

Automated decisions using your information?

For this service all the decisions we make about you involve human intervention.

Your rights

In our your rights page you can find information about how to:

  • exercise your rights
  • contact our Data Protection Officer
  • raise a concern with us
  • make a complaint to the Information Commissioner

You can find out what information we hold about you, and ask us not to use any of the information we collect.

Further information

If you would like further information about this privacy notice, please email [email protected]

Updates (notice)

Our core data protection obligations and commitments are set out in our primary privacy notice.

We may update or revise this privacy notice at any time. If you are reading this as a printed copy please refer to www.talklistenchange.org.uk for the most up to date version.