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Behaviour Change Programmes

Worried about your behaviour in relationships? We can help.

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Worried about your behaviour in relationships? We can help.

Our behaviour change programmes offer both support and challenge to end unhealthy behaviours.


What are unhealthy behaviours?

It’s normal to have disagreements and get into arguments with your partner from time to time. If you’re causing your partner physical or frequent emotional harm, it’s time to seek help.

An unhealthy behaviour is a direct action that intimidates your partner and makes them feel scared or anxious. It could be hitting, kicking, shouting, criticising them, or subjecting them to emotional or financial abuse. It could be preventing them from seeing friends or family.

Unhealthy behaviours may be motivated by feelings that aren’t normal in a relationship, such as extreme jealousy and anger.


How can we help?

We hold one-to-one sessions and peer support groups, where people motivate each other to change. Our facilitators offer positive challenge and support without making judgements about how you’ve treated your partner, or what motivated your behaviours.

We encourage story-sharing and cover topics such as trust, negotiation, sexual respect, and child-centred parenting.

Our peer support programme is accredited by national organisation Respect.


Who can we help?

We currently run peer support groups for men who have relationships with women. We run a one-to-one support programme for women who have relationships with men, and tailored programmes for people who identify as LGBTQIA+ or do not speak English as their first language.

If you attend a behaviour change programme, your current partner or ex-partner can receive free, integrated support in the form of talking therapy or anything we’re able to deliver that makes them feel comfortable. It’s voluntary and completely flexible depending on their preferences.

“I’ve turned my life around; I’m more in control of my anger outbursts, I take control when I am feeling vulnerable, and I am just living a happier and more content life, seeing more of a future now than I have for a long time.”

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Partner Support

Individual support for the partners of people on our Behaviour Change programmes.

What do people we've worked with say?

"Brilliant; it has helped me understand who I was and how I was behaving in the past. It was unacceptable, and the reason for the breakdown of my marriage. What I thought was everyday normal behaviour I now know was emotionally damaging and abusive. I've taken ownership and know how to make positive changes in my life."

Take the next step

If you are ready to talk to someone and move forward in your life, book an appointment with us today.

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