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Make a referral

The principles we follow regarding referrals.

While referral specifics vary from project to project, the overall principles we follow are outlined below.



We have well-established referral pathways in place for all our services with a wide range of partners including Adult Social Care, Children’s Services, Probation, CAFCASS, Health, Housing, Education, our third sector colleagues and many more. We work hard to establish honest and transparent relationships with our referrers for the benefit of the people we support.

These pathways are supported by a comprehensive portfolio of information sharing agreements, established in line with the Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements.



Referrals are accepted both electronically (here) and over the telephone, processed by our Business Administrators and passed on internally for triage.

Our triage process promotes engagement and we carefully match each client with the programme most suited to them, their identity and situation.

Our TLC Consent Form and Privacy Notice give clear information to clients about how we record, store and share their information, balancing both confidentiality and safeguarding. We ensure all participants understand we will collect information from other sources (including professionals) and we request particular consent regarding this.

Take a moment to feedback...

Referred to TLC before? It's time to have your say about our online referral form. We would appreciate your feedback about the booking form. This should take less than 2 minutes of your time - thank you.



Onward referral

Our programmes will not be right for everyone. Some people will require different types of support or specialisms.

We are committed to working closely with each person who comes to us, their families and referring agencies, to find the right support and ensure safe and efficient onward referrals.

  • 8,000+

    people supported

    last year

  • 79%


    in adult emotional wellbeing

  • 64%

    stress decrease

    for our young people

  • 22,000

    appointments delivered

    last year

Refer my client

Can we help? You can make a referral online.

Refer now

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Policies and procedures for each of our projects and services