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Why early engagement with mediation is vital

Families going through court can experience costly and lengthy proceedings. Alternative dispute resolutions can save you money and headaches.


What is mediation?

  • A confidential process that supports separated couples in making arrangements for their children and/or finances.
  • Discussions can cover a range of issues, including parenting schedules, holiday plans, family home proposals, and divorce proceedings.
  • The process aims to result in a better, more stable life for everyone involved.


What powers does a judge have?

Judges can promote non-court dispute resolution without needing agreement from you or your former partner. This approach means they can adjourn a meeting, leading to added costs and delays, and requiring a form to be submitted explaining why non-court dispute resolution, such as mediation, has yet to be attempted or has failed.

In addition to adjourning proceedings, judges can order individuals to pay the other party’s costs if they believe their refusal to try non-court dispute resolution is unreasonable. This authority is exercised with the aim of ensuring fairness and justice in the legal process.

Feel free to get in touch

Our number is 0161 872 1100 and our email is [email protected]

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Is mediation worth it?

Family mediation can save you time, money and additional stress. If you want to make joint arrangements after a breakup, we strongly recommend you attend at least a mediation information and assessment meeting, also known as a MIAM, before filing a court application with specific exemptions. This is a meeting  between an individual and a mediator to discuss why mediation could benefit the parties in the negotiation process.

Better still, you can also get financial assistance for the process. In March 2021, the government launched a voucher scheme providing £500 towards joint mediation sessions for separated families discussing child-related issues. You may also be eligible for legal aid.

“The constant encouragement of non-court dispute resolution, such as mediation, is to help families avoid court proceedings which are often lengthy, costly and stressful.”

– Victoria Parkinson, Head of Family Mediation, TLC: Talk Listen Change’

A better way than court

At TLC: Talk Listen Change, we aim to help you co-parent from separate homes and sort out division of assets as positively as possible. We support, guide, challenge, and try to move people from chaos and conflict to clarity and compromise.

We want everyone to have a safe and healthy relationship with their former partner. If children are involved, we want to help them feel happy during this time. There is a better way than court.

Elijah's Story

Child Inclusive Mediation

Elijah’s Story