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Disclosing Finances in Mediation

Financial disclosure is a crucial and fair process in UK divorce proceedings. Here we outline the process and its purpose.

Three steps to financial disclosure

  1. Send Financial Packs:
    We will send out blank financial packs via email for you to complete and return to us.
    Please note: This email will contain essential information regarding the exchange of financial disclosure, please ensure this is read thoroughly before returning your documents to us.
  2. Arrange Joint Session:
    After receiving completed financial documents (along with any necessary supporting evidence) from both parties, we will contact you to arrange a joint session to discuss finances and/or property.
  3. Document Exchange:
    One week before the session, we will send a link via email for the exchange of financial documents.
    Please note: Any and all financial disclosure sent to us will be exchanged with the other party.

Is financial disclosure required for mediation?

You and your former partner are legally required to provide a complete and accurate account of your financial situation, including income, assets, pensions, debts, and liabilities.

Inaccurate or incomplete disclosure can result in legal penalties and, in some cases, a reopening of the financial agreement. This underscores the importance of providing a complete account of your financial situation.


What is the point of a financial disclosure?

Disclosing finances in mediation ensures a transparent division of assets and provides reassurance to both parties. For instance, without full disclosure, one party could conceal assets, potentially leading to an unfair settlement. Full disclosure not only protects against any potential future disputes or legal challenges but also prevents them from arising, ensuring a secure and clear financial agreement.


What should you know before completing you financial disclosure booklet (FDB):

      • You have the right to seek independent legal advice about full financial disclosure. This empowers you to make informed decisions.
      • For mediation to go ahead meaningfully, both parties must make as full a disclosure as possible to make the process fair and transparent.
      • If you can’t provide exact figures at this stage, a realistic estimate will do. This estimate can later be confirmed by producing the necessary documents.
      • Please contact us immediately if you need more time to complete your FDB. (We acknowledge that pension information can take three months to receive; we don’t have to wait for this.)
      • If the FDB doesn’t prompt information about some finances you hold, such as offshore accounts or significant assets, please discuss this at the beginning of your joint session of
      • The FDB will be discussed during your first joint session, and time is often spent exploring this and where any gaps may be or what questions either party may have.
      • We cannot check through your FDB or the other party’s FDB for any missing information before they are exchanged, as this could compromise the impartiality of the mediation

Remember, in joint sessions, we can only discuss your FDB or the other party’s FDB. Both parties must make as full a disclosure as possible to ensure a fair and transparent process.

Looking for more information?

Contact our Mediation team on 0161 872 1100

Email Mediation Department