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Why Work With Perpetrators? Michelle Hill Features on BBC North West Tonight

Working to end domestic abuse has always been at the top of our agenda.   Now, it’s on the government’s

Working to end domestic abuse has always been at the top of our agenda.


Now, it’s on the government’s agenda and we’re proud to be delivering services which work to reduce domestic abuse in in the North West.


The background

In 2020, the sector, led by Drive Project UKRespect and Safe Lives called for the tide to turn on domestic abuse. We were one of many signatories asking the government to develop a comprehensive perpetrator strategy which addressed the cause of domestic abuse – the perpetrators behaviour.

A draft Domestic Abuse Bill was written in 2019 and in 2021, the government committed to developing a perpetrator strategy within this. As a charity, we have been successful in securing funding in partnership with Greater Manchester Combined Authority to both work with perpetrators, and support victims and survivors.


How we’re helping


The funding has allowed us to expand a number of our existing programmes, reach new areas with our industry leading Women’s Behaviour Change Programme and develop services for LGBTQ+ men and men who do not speak English as a first language.


As more than 1.9 million adults experienced domestic abuse in 2019, and less than 1% of perpetrators of this abusive receive any specialist intervention, we are proud to be delivering these services.


Working to change people’s behaviour is a long process, which requires commitment and specialist support. However, we fundamentally believe that by working with the cause of domestic abuse, we address the real issue and can increase the safety for victims, survivors and their children.


As a charity, we never deliver any perpetrator work without integrated support for those affected. For as long as our perpetrator programmes have been running, we offer specialist support to the partners, ex-partners and children of those attending. By taking a whole-family approach to domestic abuse, we believe it can increase people’s safety and many survivors agree, with 80% saying interventions for perpetrators are a positive thing.


Sharing our purpose


Alongside delivering this work, we also believe it’s our responsibility to help change the narrative on domestic abuse. We were happy to be invited on BBC North West Tonight and on Wednesday 8th December we featured throughout the day on the BBC’s wider coverage on violence against women.


Our CEO, Michelle Hill, spoke about our work and noted;


“Working with perpetrators is a contentious issue. The key thing for us is that it’s working with perpetrators and offering support to victims and survivors, it’s definitely not an either or. Working with perpetrators is a long, complex process but ultimately we believe it works and we believe it can be part of the package of ending domestic abuse”


There is a full online feature, including direct stories from perpetrators of domestic abuse and how programmes have supported them to change.


As an organisation, we will continue to deliver, expand and measure our services to always ensure that we are prioritising the safety of those affected. Ultimately, we believe in change and are proud to be a part of the UK’s shift in how we work to end domestic abuse.


You can read more about our domestic abuse services here.


If you, or somebody you know may be experiencing domestic abuse, you can call the National Domestic Violence helpline or visit their website for more information.


If you are concerned about your behaviour in your relationships and would like to take the first step to seeking support and changing things for you and those around you, you can visit the Respect website or call them directly.


Media enquiries: Paige Hughes