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Help us help those in need. We appreciate every penny that comes our way.

Our Charity Work

Are you a trust or foundation? Are you a member of the public looking to make a one-off or regular donation?

We appreciate every penny that comes our way.
Your kind donations will help some of the most vulnerable people in society get the support they need.

If you are a member of the public and want to donate to TLC, you can choose to make a regular contribution or a one-off donation via JustGiving. You can find out more about our charity work here, or you can see examples of how your money will be used below.

If you are a trust or foundation looking to sponsor a specific project, feel free to contact us and discuss working in partnership. You can find information about how you can help, and how other partners have helped us further down.

Donate with JustGiving.

Pay with Mastercard, Visa, American express, PayPal, Apple Pay or Direct Debit.


Select a suggested donation amount or choose your own. We use JustGiving, which ensures 100% of the money you give comes directly to us. We pay no fees to use JustGiving.

Set up a secure payment with Direct Debit. JustGiving is an efficient and trustworthy service, with 100% secure payments.

You can cancel your Direct Debit at any time. Visit the Monthly Donations page on your JustGiving account to cancel any regular donations.

Unfortunately, you cannot edit monthly donations. If you wish to increase or decrease your donation to us, cancel your current payment and start a new Direct Debit.

Money you donate can go towards equipment or facilities needed to supply our services. It can go towards vulnerable people who need counselling but cannot afford it, or people who have experienced domestic abuse.

£10 pays for art supplies and play resources for children who’ve witnessed domestic violence. £50 pays for a counselling session for a vulnerable person. £100 helps someone recover from abuse, and helps someone else refrain from using abuse in the future.

We rely on trusts and foundations to keep our work running. Some donate to fund general operational costs. Others provide pots of money for a specific type of work within which they’d like us to expand our provision.

We’re currently providing free counselling to people with cancer thanks to a trust. In the past, we’ve provided free counselling to people trying to recover from alcohol addiction.

If you’d like us to provide services within your own organisation, you can commission our work.

If you’re a local authority, you can contact us to discuss support provision in your borough.

We currently work with The Guinness Partnership to provide remote support to people living in Guinness Partnership housing.

This allows tenants to maintain good mental health without worrying about geographical boundaries or the cost of transport to attend sessions.

Contact us

Feel free to pick up the phone or use our contact submission form to get in touch about donating or funding our work.

Contact us
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