Our payment model
What to pay, how to pay and why we ask for you to pay?
We have unique model, whereby a handful of paid-for services, as well as grants and funds help us keep some elements of our support free for those most in need.
Having a diverse funding base increases our flexibility and opportunities for learning, and lessens the risk to our organisation if one funding source decreases or ends unexpectedly.
"We've supported TLC for a number of years and it really has been like watching your child grow up! We are so impressed with the commitment, honesty and passion demonstrated by the whole team and we're just pleased to be helping make it all happen."TLC Trust Funder
Our services are commissioned by a wide range of organisations throughout the North and beyond. As well as longer term commissions and standard packages, we are always open to discussions regarding more flexible approaches, testing new programmes or services – or developing something bespoke.
Learn more here.
We rely on the generosity of many Trusts and Foundations to help us provide our services.
Learn more here.
Your money will be used to make a positive difference in the lives of those we support.
Learn more here.
If you have a fundraising idea and want some help to get it off the ground, are already taking part in an event and would like to raise money for us, or just want to help and are not sure where to start –
Learn more here.
It costs us money to pay our staff to deliver each session of support, ensure they are properly supervised, and to cover venue hire, travel, IT costs and equipment.
We are committed to paying our staff a fair salary, and with this in mind we have a careful balance to strike.
Our session pricing has been carefully worked out to ensure we can fully cover our costs, while offering good value for money to our customers.
Our Administration and Bookings team are happy to discuss any aspect of client payments - please feel free to give us a call on 0161 872 0011
What to pay, how to pay and why we ask for you to pay?
Money from trusts, donors and fundraisers is key to what we can deliver
Browse through our paid-for and funded programmes of support