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Aspiring to Change

Supporting men to take responsibility for their actions, motivating them to change.

Supporting men to take responsibility for their actions, motivating them to change.

If you are worried you may be causing physical or emotional harm to your partner, we are here to help.

We run a programme called Aspiring to Change in partnership with Cheshire West and Chester Council to help men address unhealthy behaviours in their relationships.

Aspiring to Change is run in a strictly non-judgemental manner and provides individuals with insight and key skills that are integral to maintaining a safe, healthy and happy relationship with their partner.

The programme is aiding Cheshire West and Chester Council achieve their vision for all residents of the borough to live free from domestic abuse by challenging those who harm and providing effective support to change.

Aspiring to Change is delivered through a series of one-to-one and group sessions that encourage men to reflect on their unhealthy behaviours and the reasons behind them.

We use the term “unhealthy behaviours” to describe forms of conduct that include:

  • Struggling to manage one’s emotions or anger
  • Being controlling towards a partner, emotionally, financially or physically
  • Criticising a partner and putting them down for things they do, say or wear
  • Physical behaviours like screaming, shouting, hitting, punching walls or throwing objects
  • Intimidating a partner by making them worried, scared or fearful
The programme has turned my life around and I am more in control of my anger outbursts. I take control when I am feeling vulnerable, and I am just living a happier life, more content, and seeing more of a future now than I have for a long time.

Recognising these behaviours is the first step; the next is taking actions that help you make positive changes.

At TLC, we don’t judge — we listen, inquire, and provide constructive challenge, allowing individuals room to grow.

Book now

The programme is open to anyone who identifies as male and has relationships with people who identify as female. You may be single or in an existing relationship.

Cheshire and Chester West Council has an offer for women who harm through its Early Help and Prevention Service.

Our workers will help individuals better understand themselves and their relationships. We will work through themes that include respect and negotiation, non-violent behaviour, intimacy and vulnerability, support and trust, sexual respect and child-centred parenting.

Once an individual has been referred to us, we will offer an assessment to discuss the programme in more detail. The programme then includes  a total of 26 one-to-one and group sessions alongside other men who are on the programme. Sessions last for an hour and are delivered once per week, meaning a person can expect the programme to last 26 weeks.

We deliver sessions through a hybrid model of face-to-face and virtual support in order to remove any barriers for people wishing to engage with TLC’s services.

For other individuals

If you do not identify as a male that has relationships with people who identify as female, but believe you may be engaging in unhealthy behaviours, please see our Individual Behaviour Change Programme.

Individual Behaviour Change Programme

Contact Respect

Worried about your behaviour but not ready to book? Access advice and information from national domestic abuse charity Respect via phone, email or webchat.

Contact Respect